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The Waterproof Computer

Diposting oleh adamgunardi Agustus 14, 2009 0 komentar

This powerful gadget has been created for those people who like camping and have to work on the weekends too. I do like camping very much but I like playing computer games too.

Imagine how cool would it be to combine those two things. Sitting down in the middle of a forest in the nature's heart and playing your favorite computer game at the same time; fantastic. This gadget looks like an old TV from the outside however it is very different inside.

It is specially created to work in difficult environment and it can work no matter what the weather is. This computer is fitted into a waterproof aluminum case that protects it from water, rain, snow etc. If you open the case on one side, the keyboard will be on its other side and you will se the monitor.

It helps protecting the LCD monitor from damaging. The computer itself is a very cool machine. It has a 1 GB of RAM memory, a dual-core processor, and one of the newest motherboards. Besides, the power block is 400 W.

There are also two different types of sizes of display that you can choose from. You can buy a 15.4 in one or a 17 in one. This gadget has also anti vibrating system built in and it means that you can even use it flying on a helicopter. I think that this device would be useful for police, firefighters and other lifesavers.

Here are three top consoles nowadays that you can choose from. Sony PlayStation 3 the next generation console that continues a glorious path of PlayStation and PlayStation 2. Xbox 360: the next console from Microsoft is created in continuation of Xbox. Finally Nintendo Wii the least expensive and shows the least performance.

So we are going to review and compare them on several parameters, so that you can decide which is better for yourself.

Xbox 360 is on the second place by hardware parameters. First of all there are two models that you can buy. One of them is a regular white Xbox 360 with wired controllers and no hard drive. The upgraded model has wireless controllers and a 20 GB hard drive to save photos, videos and audio files. It also has a standard DVD optical drive that allows the console to show HD videos. The last thing that should you should be notified is that Microsoft will upgrade your Xbox 360 for free for it to support full GD 1080p video output.

Sony PlayStation 3 is in the first place if judged by hardware. It has Blue-ray drive that is not available on basic or premium Xbox 360 (You can buy it for additional $ 200 which makes Xbox 360 cost just like PS3.) Besides, the 20 GB hard drive comes in basic model and 60 GB drive comes in upgrade model. Besides the premium version of PS3 has WiFi built in.

Nintendo being the least expensive has the worst hardware built in therefore it shows the least productivity among Xbox 360 and PS3. It has a DVD drive but there is no ability to play DVD movies on it. However, it has WiFi built in to surf the web.


Xbox 360 and PS3 are somewhat even in this classification because the number and the quality of games that are out there on the market are pretty even. PlayStation 3 is supposed to be better in graphics however there are still no games that would show the full possibility of this console.

Xbox 360 will run most of the games that have been created for Xbox but not all of them. On the other hand PlayStation 3 will run all the games of PS and PS2. However, these possibilities will have only the North American and Japan versions of PS3 but not the European version.

Nintendo supports all the games made for earlier consoles: GameCube, NES, SNES and Nintendo 64. However the graphics quality of the games is not that good as it is in Xbox 360 and PS3 games.


First of all I would like to say that Nintendo does not support big movies playback or storage, so we will leave this console out of this part of comparison. Although you can view photos, MPEG and QuickTime movies, MP3 music files on this console; and all that only from SD storage.

The real battle comes between the two mega consoles: Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 here. Fist PS3 was the only console that supported full HD, 1080p, but now Microsoft will upgrade all the Xbox 360 consoles to the same HD. So that evens them out.

Blu-ray drive gives an advantage to Sony PlayStation 3 in storing videos and any files on the disc as they can store much more info and a better game will fit on a bigger Disc.
HD Media Center Extender of Xbox 360 beats PS3 in everything that they can offer. It can show live and recorded HDTV over your network, besides it can download movies and TV shows from the web. The other thing that gives Xbox 360 an advantage is a support of Apple's iPod and Sony PSP. It is the only console that supports video and audio streaming from PC.

Audio support: PS3 has a 5.1 Dolby Surround sound which is not bad until you hear that Xbox 360 has a Multi-channel system that supports up to 256 discrete channels. Wii on the other hand supports Dolby Pro-Logic II.

Computer With Auto Mobile Theme

Diposting oleh adamgunardi 0 komentar

Now that's what you call an automobile theme; a computer built into a light-alloy wheel. Surely won't make your computer faster but will give it a cool look. Blue lights make it very appealing to the users and shines very nice in the dark. They just took an Antera light-alloy 23" wheel and stuck mother board and all of the PC components into it. Original optical discs drive built into the middle part of it.

PC configuration:
Intel D 945 3.4 GHz processor
> Asus P5LD2 Deluxe motherboard
> 2 GB Adata 667 RAM
> Leadtek PX-8800 GTS 320 MB Video card
> Thermaltake Blue Orb II and NorthQ 120 mm cooler fans
The insides of the PC are not blowing fast but the look makes me want something like this.

Advice and information products are great online wealth generation cash machines. Here are 9 things I love about this online wealth generation business model:

1. You don't have the headaches of tradition businesses. There are no employee hassles or employee benefits to worry about. No buildings, equipment, payroll, etc.

2. Low risk. The only thing you really have to lose is your time and a little bit of startup cash.

3. You can get started with little cash if necessary. You can work from home and all you really need is a computer and internet access. You may want to have your own product websites but these can be created and hosted very economically.

4. Because the costs are low, the profit margins are typically excellent.

5. Once you have your products online, they work for you 24/7, creating a nice stream of long-term residual income.

6. You can work from home, or a villa in Tuscany, or a Caribbean getaway, or wherever you desire as long as you have a good internet connection.

7. Your content can be delivered in different formats such as eBooks, audios, videos, etc.

8. It is possible to test market products before you even create them. Very cool!

9. You don't need a publisher. Think about it. If you write a traditional book, you need a publisher to "buy" your project and fund the upfront printing and marketing costs. These can be substantial. They can also be time consuming.

With an information product, you can product the end product yourself and can even do the online marketing yourself. Surprisingly, many people don't think twice about paying $29-$79 for an eBook, much more than they would pay for a hardcover book from a bookstore, even though the production costs are much lower with an eBook.

Does this online wealth generation cash machine sound attractive to you? If so then think about a topic you are an expert on and consider creating an information product for that topic. Or, do some research on a topic and become an expert and create an online information product. It's really not that difficult.

When you learn how to create and market successful information products, it's like having your very own online wealth generation printing press.

To receive the information series "Top 15 Ways To Grow Your Business Online", send an email to kw-online-mktg@aweb.com.

If you want to learn more from Karen on growing your business online visit her blog at http://www.KineticWealth.com/blog.

by : Karen Sielski

Adsense tips include not only how to identify and take advantage of the possibilities of this innovative program originated by Google, but what activities are precluded by strict adherence to the program rules. Since Google has the ability to remove the rights of marketers to take advantage of the program based on obeying the rules, entrepreneurs are well advised to stay within the guidelines. Obviously if a web site abusing Adsense program techniques causes the business web site to be shut down by Google, it can cause tremendous loss of revenue. It may be difficult or impossible to reactivate a site that has been shut down.

Sell a Product Not an Ad

Adsense administrators will not allow the practice of web sites that are set up for the sole purpose of listing and promoting ads for products. One of the easiest Adsense tips to comprehend is to sell the product, not the ad in your marketing efforts. Use insightful and interesting content and present it in a way that will grab the attention of the reader. Failure to follow this tip can lead to the shutdown of your web site quickly. If you focus on how best to sell the product, rather than how to make the most money with ads, you will not run afoul of Adsense administrators.

Stay With the Theme

One of the smart Adsense tips is to stay with the theme of the website when you place the adwords. The words should be incorporated into the content of the web page, both in terms of the subject of the information on the web site and the general look or theme of the web page. In other words, if you use a particular font for everything on the web site, your adwords should be the same font. The same concept applies to the style, color and writing style.

Make Each Web Site Count

When you set up a web site for the purpose of a marketing campaign, take advantage of the many Adsense tips to increase your overall revenue level. You should focus on one subject per web site and work on building excellent content on that web site. By taking advantage of traffic building activities, you can have an increase in visitors who are interested in the information that you have developed and presented on your web site. Keywords associated with the web page content help to improve product revenue.

Rein in your Expectations

Another of the effective Adsense tips is to avoid attempting too much because you want to get rich quick. It is a mistake to open web site after web site in the hopes of earning a fortune in Adsense revenues from each one. In fact, it is better to focus only on as many sites as you can adequately take care of. Each site should have your best keywords presented in a solid content that will attract the maximum number of visitors. Rein in the expectations of becoming an overnight millionaire and use your energy to improve the quality of your Adsense campaign

by : Alan Lim

Tips SEO jenius dan MUDAH!!

Diposting oleh adamgunardi April 04, 2009 1 komentar

Di bawah ini ada TIPS SEO yang menurut saya sangat brilian!

Tips SEO yang sangat mudah,santai,dan sangat ampuh!

Silahkan anda baca baik-baik artikel di bawah ini:

—————- Copy mulai disini——————

Mohon baca baik-baik lalu terapkan dengan benar….

Sebuah filosofi mengatakan “Honesty is The Best Policy (Kejujuran adalah politik/strategi terbaik)” , inilah yang akan kita buktikan….apakah konsep kejujuran bisa kita olah menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang lebih hebat dari konsep rumit para expert webmaster atau pakar SEO..?…

Saya yakin bisaasal konsep ini di jalankan dengan benar…,bila ini di terapkan pada web anda sesuai ketentuan maka:
- Web anda akan kebanjiran traffic pengunjung secara luar biasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot memikirkan SEO atau capek-capek promosi keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
- Web anda akan kebanjiran backlink secara luarbiasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot berburu link keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.

Jika Albert Einstein memakai persamaan e=mc2 untuk menggabungkan potensi masa dan kecepatan cahaya untuk menghasilkan energi nuklir yang luar biasa itu ,maka kita akan memakai persamaan t=v1+v2 untuk mnggabungkan potensi web saya dan web anda untuk menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang luar biasa pula.

Jika Einstein menggunakan atom plutonium dan uranium untuk membuat bom nuklir, maka kita menggunakan Kejujuran dan ketepatan untuk membuat bom traffic dan popularity ini.

Yang perlu anda lakukan adalah ikuti langkah-langkah berikut :

1. Buat posting artikel seperti posting saya ini, atau copy-paste posting ini dan juga diberi berjudul : t=v1+v2 ,Cara meningkatkan traffic dan popularity dengan cepat dan alami

2. Selanjutnya Copy atau buat KALIMAT SAKTI yang ada di bawah nomor 4 ini lalu pasang di web anda pada bagian yang paling mudah dilihat pengunjung, misalnya di bagian atas sidebar:
3. Pindahkan atau ganti link atau alamat url posting saya (disini-1) menggantikan alamat url rekan saya (disini-2).
-untuk mengetahui alamat url posting saya dan posting yang anda buat adalah bisa dengan meng-klik judul/title posting yang kita buat ini.
4-Lalu isi alamat url posting anda pada pada disini-1 tadi. Jadi anda melakukan publish (terbitkan) 2 kali, setelah posting ini selesai anda buat lalu di terbitkan, dan lalu anda klik pada title (judul) posting untuk mengambbil/meng-copy alamat url posting anda dari address bar browser anda, lalu anda edit lagi posting tadi dan masukan pada link disini-1 itu.

Berikut tulisan “KALIMAT SAKTI” yang perlu anda pasang di bagian web anda (setelah di ganti link url-nya sesuai ketentuan di atas)

“Ingin meningkatkan traffic pengunjung dan popularity web anda secara cepat dan tak terbatas…?…
Serahkan pada saya…, Saya akan melakukannya untuk anda GRATIS…!..Klik disini-1 dan disini-2

-Jadi setelah KALIMAT SAKTI ini di letakan di web anda maka: jika pengunjung meg-klik link disini-1 akan menuju link posting anda, dan jika meng-klik disini-2 akan menuju link posting saya…dan seterusnya kan terus terjadi mata rantai yang tak terputus seperti itu…
-Di bawah ini ada 2 link :link anda (link web saya sekarang) dan link saya (link web rekan saya sekarang) . Maka ganti (alamatnya) “link anda” dengan “link url web anda” dan “link saya dengan link url web saya” (link rekan saya di hapus).

5. Selesai, siapkan counter tracker dan pengecek link misalnya sitemeter dan technorati untuk melihat hasil banjir traffic dan linkback web anda.

Apa itu t=v1+t2…?
t : Jumlah traffic yang akan di peroleh web anda dalam suatu hari
v1 : Jumlah pengunjung web anda dalam suatu hari
v2: Jumlah pengunjung yang dimiliki v1 (pengunjung dari pengunjung web anda) dalam suatu hari.

Misalnya, web saya ini atau web anda dalam sehari memiliki rata-rata pengunjung 50 orang.., dan semuanya menerapkan konsep kita ini (KALIMAT SAKTI) dengan benar, dan dari 50 orang itu masing-masing memiliki 50 orang pula pengunjung dari blog-nya , maka web kita akan berpeluang di kunjungi 50 ditambah 50 x 50 orang pada hari itu = 2550 orang , dan akan berpeluang terus meningkat pula hari demi hari ,karena setiap hari selalu ada pengunjung baru di dunia internet, setiap hari juga ada blogger atau web baru di dunia internet…BUKTIKAN

Misalnya, web kita memiliki pengunjung 50 orang dalam suatu hari, dan semuannya menerapkan konsep ini , maka dalam hari itu web anda akan mendapatkan 100 linkback ke web anda, yaitu sebuah link pada KALIMAT SAKTI dan sebuah link pada link saya di kalikan 50. dan akan berpeluang meningkat terus hari demi hari….

Kenapa perlu di buat link link anda dan link saya pada posting…?
…hal ini untuk menjaga keabadian link kita, karena seperti kita tau link pada posting lebih kecil kemungkinannya terhapus….

Bisakah kita berbuat tidak fair atau tidak jujur menyabotase konsep ini, misalnya “menghilangkan semua link asal” lalu di isi dengan web/blog kita sendiri…? ….Bisa, dan konsep ini tidak akan menjadi maksimal untuk membuktikan Kejujuran adalah strategi/politik terbaik…..Tapi saya yakin bahwa kita semua tak ingin menjatuhkan kredibilitas diri sendiri dengan melakukan tindakan murahan seperti itu…


Anda bisa mengcopy postingan tersebut dari tanda “COPY MULAI DARI SINI” sampai “SELESAI”

Bagaimana?tips yang sangat ampuh bukan?hehehe…

Selamat mencoba…
Salam sukses!

Kuliah Sebagai Investasi

Diposting oleh adamgunardi Maret 31, 2009 1 komentar

Wah, posting pertama nih...hehe :)...
posting saya yang pertama ini cuma ingin memerikan pandangan saya terhadap dunia perkuliahan di tanah air, ya gak seluas itu juga sih, tapi sebagian kecil akan saya bahas disini...

Pernah gak sih kamu pikirin apa yang bakal kamu lakuin setelah lulus kuliah nanti? menikah, jadi pengusaha, atau mau kuliah terus?? terus menurut kamu apasih yang bakal jadi modal utama seseorang untuk sukses menghadapi dunia setelah perkuliahan?? Tampang? warisan dari orang tua?? faktor keberuntungan? atau IPK 4?

hati-hati!! ipk 4 dan gelar sarjana gak akan ngejamin kamu sukses begitu kamu lulus kuliah. Orang dulu si mungkin aja, ipk 3 juga begitu lulus langsung ditarik perusahaan sana-sini untuk bekerja(iyalah)...tapi jaman sekarang beda mas!!mba!!cing!!cui!!bos!! Beda bgt. IPK dan gelar gak lagi dijadiin ukuran kemampuan seseorang untuk siap menempuh dunia pekerjaan. tapi jangan salah paham terus bodo amat IP mau 0,2!! yang ada nanti malah bikin ortu jantungan...

nilai seorang sarjana sekarang lebih diliat personalitinya (bener gak tuh gue nulisnya??)...maksudnya :
  • kemampuan memimpin
  • kemampuan untuk bekerja sama
  • kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi
  • integritas
  • etos kerja
  • bermotivasi tinggi
  • adaptasi
  • kemampuan berorganisasi
  • kemampuan analitikal
  • kemampuan komputer
  • humoris
  • kreatif
  • percaya diri
  • kesopanan
  • bijaksana
dan masih banyak lagi nilai-nilai keperibadian atau kualitas diri yang dibutuhkan untuk menghadapi masa depan. dalam suatu buku kemampuan-kemampuan ini disebut juga soft skills.(ini menurut NACE USA loh)

namun dari kualitas-kualitas diatas ada 7 soft skill yang dianggap sebagai "winning characteristics" yaitu :
  • kemampuan berorganisasi
  • jiwa pemimpin
  • kemampuan bekerja sama
  • kecerdasan
  • kemauan kuat
  • etos kerja
  • kemampuan berbicara

mau kamu jadi pengusaha atau bekerja untuk seseorang, kemampuan ini sangat dibutuhkan. kecuali kalau kamu ingin jadi guru, dosen atau tutor dan sebagainya, praktis ilmu pengetahuan dan gelar yang lebih mendominasi.

kembali ke soft skills. dari beberapa sot skill yang saya tulis di atas, menurut kamu ada gak sih yang diajarin dikelas? hampir tidak ada. namun beruntung bagi kamu yang memiliki dosen atau guru yang doyan nyuruh presentasi di depan kelas, sendiri atau berkelompok. nah untuk mengasah soft skill kamu, diperlukan keseimbangan antara aktivitas akademik dan non akademik. jadi ketika kamu udah lulus kuliah, gak cuma gelar dan IPK saja yang jadi senjata kamu, tapi kualitas diri kamu yang udah terasah ini bakal jadi modal penting lainnya.

TAPI.......walau tak berwujud, sejumlah perusahaan tetap memrlukan bukti nyata akan kualitas diri kamu. sering-sering aja ikut seminar nasional atau internasional (yang jelas internasional pasti lebih oke... :)).

1. karakteristik yang menunjang keberhasilan seseorang :
  • integritas : kejujuran dan kepercayaan seseorang dalam melaksanakan tugasnya.
  • kemampuan manajerial : komunikasi, perencanaan, koordinasi.
  • Jiwa kepemimpinan : tidak perlu dijelaskan lah..
2. Peran kuliah dalam kesuksesan seseorang :
  • sangat penting sekali, umumnya pada awal karir kamu dalam sebuah pekerjaan. selanjutnya soft skill akan menonjol kebutuhannya ketika kamu menapaki jabatan yang lebih tinggi.
dengan demikian kamu haris mempersiapkan diri mulai dari sekarang. bagi waktu antara pendidikan akademis dan non akademis, dan latih juga kecakapan kamu dalam berbahasa inggris. serius, sebenci-bencinya kamu sama bahasanya orang barat(umumnya), jangan lupa kalau bahasa inggris adalah bahasa internasional...ngerti kan maksudnya...okeh...
sekian posting pertama dari saya...terima kasih sudah membaca... :)